I Helped Make an eCommerce Brand $90K in One Month

$90,000 in monthly revenue.

That’s how much revenue I just helped generate for a business in the eCommerce space.

For spending less than $3,750 in a month we made $90,000 in one month.

That’s spending 4% of $90,000 to make a net profit of $86,000.

Who doesn’t want that kind of return on investment?

Makin it Rain!

I’m going to show you.

Through a combination of email, branding, and customer experience, we were able to make some changes in a few hours that almost immediately began to generate results.

That means email marketing is going to be a secret weapon for you and your platform.

Don’t believe me?

For Black Friday alone, 25% of all sales generated for a company’s store comes straight from email…


That’s directly from email!

It’s not even including the indirect purchases that happen because of email.

Seems like a no-brainer question to answer.

Do you want to:

Make more money?

Get to know your ideal customer?

Decrease the amount of people leaving your site without taking action?

Have a direct line of communication with potential and current customers?

Then you’re in luck!

Email marketing is the way to go to help you accomplish your eCommerce business goals.

No more digging through the online “webi-sphere” to find the answers you need for your business.

Stop the digging!

These strategies have been proven to work for me and I know they can work for your situation as well.

Let’s dive right in!

Here we go!

The eCommerce platform that we grew to having a revenue of over $90k per month is Crawlspace-DIY.

Crawlspace-DIY is an online store that sells crawl space and home improvement products to anyone that is looking for those kinds of products.

Visitors would go to the site and place products in their cart, but they would abandon the cart and leave the site before purchasing the products.

So what do I do?

I recommended implementing an exit-intent pop-up form with Convertkit that will pop-up and display a form to provide a 5% off discount code to the user if they’ll just provide their email address.

Example of an Exit-Intent Popup

Within the first day we had two sign-ups through the from that turned into two purchases worth over $2,300!

The Convertkit exit intent form literally more than paid for itself within about 2–3 hours of purchasing the account and setting up the form.

Now over 5 months later, we’ve seen an increase in sales from $25,000/month to $90,000/month.

Just from using this one exit intent form.

Net Subscriber Growth from Convertkit Analytics

And this is only the beginning…

There’s three other email marketing strategies (which I’m going to share with you) yet to implement on the platform to add even more value to the visitors of the online store.

If you’re looking for a great email marketing tool to use, I highly recommend using Convertkit.

You can try it for free, and I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Offer a Giveaway: Offering a free giveaway in exchange for an email address is an easy way to deliver value to people in exchange for them taking action.

Here’s an example of a free giveaway from JLD’s EO Fire.

Exit Intent Pop-Up: You’ve already seen the example of exit intent popup from Crawlspace-DIY.

A Smart Bar or Hello Bar Offer: You can offer free shipping or some other call-to-action in the hello bar as another way to deliver value to people. Here’s an example:

Here’s a hello or smart bar example from Josh Fleagle’s website.

Trigger a FOMO Popup: Using the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) to get users to take action right away is very powerful.

Source: Zembula

There you have it.

You start to use these four ways on your website and you’re almost guaranteed to start making more money because you’re delivering more value to your audience.

The proof is in the pudding.

Here It Is. 🙂

Some people will say don’t use pop-ups or other “intrusive” things to collect email addresses, but it’s usually from those who have never made money, or very little money, from their website.

For real though…

Using email marketing best-practices to make more money from your website is proven time and time again.

Where some see bombarding people with information, I see places where I’m constantly providing opportunities to the website visitors if they only take action.

Stop settling for the status quo and make more money with your store so you can continue to serve more people.

Want to know the best part of the information I just shared?

My team and I can implement this exact kind of system into an existing site or can create a site from scratch and implement it into the new site to fit your brand.

If you want a free hour-long consultation to discuss growing your online business let’s talk!

I’m one of the hosts of the Grow Like a Pro show along with Adam Bankhurst.

There’s a new show released every Thursday at 6AM!

You can check it out by clicking here.

You can listen to our episodes and subscribe to hear more tips, tools, and techniques to help you grow like a pro.

You can connect with me by sending me an email at jason@jasonfleagle.com or contacting me here.

How have you seen your eCommerce store grow?

Tell me in the comment section below!

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